Abandoned: Château de Vaurouault

IMG_1915Today’s weekly challenge is just perfect for me as I’ve been highly interested in the subject of abandoned places and things. The practice of going into forbidden, rundown, and closed locations is known as urban exploration or urbex for short. When I travel I try to find these places but to be honest, it can be very difficult to find and even if you do, they are closed and locked up.

Sometimes, it can be downright dangerous going solo for a photo shoot because you simply don’t know what environmental dangers lurk around the corner. Floors, staircases and walls can be so old and in such poor condition they can prove to be incredibly hazardous. Even worse, you may never know what criminal element may be squatting in that old building. It’s best to bring a buddy along to watch your back.



IMG_3338In Frehel in Brittany, France we were taken by my sister-in-law to a place that she always loved. She jokes that if she had a million euros she would purchase the place and fix it up. This abandoned piece of land is called Château de Vaurouault. Little is known about it. I tried searching online for any info. Her son was able to tell me that it once belonged to someone very important (some aristocrat or someone from the military) many many years ago and now lies in a state of ruin.


IMG_1918I don’t know if anyone owns it now but we did see some signs of some minor restoration. Peeking inside the broken windows we saw no one inside. The was a tractor in the old, decrepit barn but that was about it.


IMG_1921We walked around the grounds, fighting through overgrown brush and weeds. The surrounding property was very vast but poorly maintained. I wish I had more info on this place but these pictures are all I can offer.






15 thoughts on “Abandoned: Château de Vaurouault

  1. WOW you pictures are awesome! Thank you for sharing them soooo much, you made my day. Also I had no idea “The practice of going into forbidden, rundown, and closed locations is known as urban exploration or urbex”. Thanks 🙂

    1. Fantastic, Iceman! Thanks for the link. Unfortunately I don’t read French. Yes, it was somewhere in the Frehel area. I have no idea how to get there as she did all the driving. How the heck she found this out of the way place I have no idea.

    1. It is sad indeed. This could be fixed up right and be a tourist attraction (albeit a hard to get to attraction) like a museum or something!

  2. Vandaag dit plekje ook ontdekt. Puur tijdens het rondrijden. Super mooi en idyllisch. We zijn ook gestopt en voor de poort wat foto’s gemaakt. De tractor stond er nog steeds. zo jammer, dat dit zo komt te vervallen. zou ooi zijn om dit te restaureren en iets leuks (hotel) van te maken.

  3. Hello there. Very nice pictures. I know this castle. My grandfather bought it some decades ago and restaured it very well. Now it is owned by my cousins, so even if it seems abandonned it is not don’t worry ! 🙂

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